Dom’s debut album is 12 tracks, and all but 2 are his alone and what a talent, it’s no wonder he’s won UK & European Blues Awards for the last 3 years!
It’s a full album which highlights this man’s talent – talent in singing, guitar playing and song writing.
This contemporary bluesy album is more on the easy listening scale, and this is meant literally in the fact it is great to kick back and listen to and it will appeal to everyone: blues lovers or not.
We have country blues ballads, rocky blues, melancholic blues and beautiful love songs. A wonderful range of songs to showcase this man’s voice and guitar playing. The voice ranges from warm and husky to raspy and gravelly and with a hint of his Irish lilt coming in, it’s very smooth on the ears.
It kicks off with a country cowboy blues ballad to gently introduce us to his warm, husky and raspy voice as a teaser to what comes next – which is ‘Dixie Black Hand’ – lovely blues beat and guitar riffs you want to stick on loud. This track shows another aspect to his voice as he hits those beautiful notes with crystal clarity as this track has plenty of interesting elements as it builds and falls – it keeps you listening to see what’s next.
‘Luca’ is melancholic passion with magical guitar lines – it’s as though the guitar is another voice. We have ‘Antrim Blues’ which is a more classic foot tapping blues beat with slide guitar sounds with his gravelly voice. The love song on the album is beautifully soft, raspy and passionate along with superb lyrics and wonderful playing.
It’s difficult for me to choose my favourite track, however I will go for ‘Hell For You’ as it that moody blues swagger and those four notes which hit your internals!
There are a couple of old school blues covers on the album to keep the traditionalists happy, however the wonderfulness of this album can’t be ignored.
Best line of the Album:
I’ll steal you a horse and we can ride out west