Ultimate Asian Wedding DJ Roadshow

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This is a light-hearted comedy with a deeper story of keeping your dreams alive despite what life throws at you. This is a delightful immersive, intimate format which gives you more than what you expect and leaves you smiling on your journey home from the experience.

DJ Pali dreams of being a top Asian Wedding DJ and is an enduring optimist as he mentions how he’s on the 4th page of the search engines rankings and only 700 reviews to go to reach a milestone.

His nephew Jay is his roadie, although doesn’t come to every gig as it depends on whether he can get up, or he might be working on his latest social media idea, or like the last gig gets too drunk.

The show is the part of a wedding where the DJs are playing the background music and making any necessary announcements. At this wedding, the caterers are running late so they do what they can. Pali and Jay use this time to chat and the conversation gets deep as Pali reveals his wife is seeking a divorce and fun loving Jay discovers a few home truths. There are several flashback scenes to give more depth to the characters which allows the audience to really connect and care about these hapless hopefuls. Their relationship goes through some very ups and downs but they still work together for their ultimate dream.

It’s a simple yet relatable storyline which is well written with plenty of good humour and laughable moments. It’s a wedding reception therefore there is plenty which can go wrong, lots to laugh at but also plenty of awkward jokes from the wedding DJs who can’t quite read a room. 

Jas Binag as Pali and Viraj Juneja as Jay portray their characters perfectly, so much so you can imagine they are like that in real life. Their instant bonding with the audience makes us warm to them, we’re sad, we’re happy, we feel awkward – in all the right places – and we are definitely rooting for the underdogs to become the Ultimate Asian Wedding DJs.

The set is intimate, audience members are actually part of the wedding – I don’t want to give any spoilers but be prepared to dance to the brilliant music. It’s a very enjoyable show and is recommended.

This is a Rifco Theatre Company production, a company who’s commitment to discovering and championing British South Asian stories to be represented on mainstream stages. 
